Nationwide Membership

Access YMCAs Across the Country when travelling away from your home branch.

More Value for your Membership by opening access to participating YMCA's across the country.

What you need to know
Our YMCA allows access to Nationwide members from YMCAs that fully participate, without restrictions. Please check with your home YMCA to ensure that they fully participate.
Full Facility YMCA Members
Nationwide Membership is valid for active, full facility YMCA members, whose home Y participates without restriction or blackout periods
At Least 50% of the Time
Nationwide member visitors must use their HOME Y at least 50% of the time
Insurance-Based Memberships Not Eligible
Program-only participants (including Silver Sneakers, Silver and Fit or other like programs) are not eligible for Nationwide Membership
Specialty Memberships Not Eligible
Special memberships established by any Y for group homes, other agencies, etc., are not eligible
Must Provide Valid Membership Card and Photo ID
When visiting a Y, Nationwide Members will be required to show a valid YMCA membership card and photo ID as well as provide basic membership information such as name and email address
Liability Waiver
Members will need to sign a universal liability waiver and privacy policy
Limited Use & Time Limits
Ys should allow Nationwide Members access to services typically offered to full-facility members. Check with the Y for schedules and availability. Nationwide Members visiting other Y's for a period greater than 28 days must transfer membership affiliation for continued use
Privilege Revocation
All Ys reserve the right to restrict or revoke these privileges
Registered Sex Offenders
Registered Sex Offenders are prohibited from participating